Screening neonatale

Codice Descrizione Confez.
07-5775303 Fenilalanina 192 test
With membrane plate.


07G580303 G6PDH 192 test


07-553303 Galattosio 192 test
With membrane plate.


5525-300A N-17-OH progesterone 96 test


2625-300A N-T4 96 test


8925-300A N-TBG 96 test


3425-300A N-TSH 96 test


268MM Patient control Card sleeve 1 cf
Supply for 329MM.


07-596303 Tripsina 96 test


329MM Whatman 903 100 card
Paper for collecting dried-blood spots.


621MM Whatman 903 100 card
Paper for collecting dried-blood spots.